** exclusive FREE opportunity **
Sky-Rocket Your Parenting Confidence & Calm,
Eliminate Mum Guilt & Toxic Stress

Access My Calm Parenting Roadmap For FREE

Hey Chilled Out Mum,

Are you looking to make some changes to your parenting world this year?

Feel like you know what you're trying to achieve, but can't seem to implement the right steps at the right time?

I know: you've got all the parenting manuals and you've been to plenty of webinars...

But that calm, harmonious family life still feels like a distant dream...

The thing is, there are a lot of obstacles in the way for you. 

Mainstream, traditional parenting advice for one. 

There's SO MUCH rubbish advice out there for parents wanting to make some meaningful changes. 

As a result, most parents are parenting the hard way - using outdated, ineffective techniques to manage behaviour...

...struggling with triggers and regulating their emotions...

...and not understanding their child's needs and development. 

This is when you get that stuck-in-a-hamster-wheel feeling, where it's like you're going round in circles and getting nowhere (and feeling really exhausted for it!)

But what if told you there was an easier way to create that calm, happy home you dream of, where you feel inner peace and reassurance at the end of the day...

...not soul-sucking guilt and worry about the job you're doing?

It's Time For A Parenting Revolution

I’m on a mission to share a new way of parenting with as many mums as possible...

...so they can start enjoying parenting more and leave the guilt, stress and frustration behind. 

Even better than that: I'm going to tell you how to do all this for FREE.

This is the same approach I've been using with my four kids for the last 14 years that has helped me stay sane, happy and healthy. 

Every day I see mums on social media in despair about how their children don't listen to them...

...the worry they feel about their children's emotions

...the pain they experience when parenting feels too hard and overwhelming

...the guilt they feel for not doing a better job

Every day I hear the same message: "I'm not the mum I want to be."

Can you relate?  
I'm a parenting coach and educator with 25 years of experience and qualifications...

And I've discovered how to parent smarter, not harder.

It's taken me years of study...

...trial and error...

...and working through my own parenting obstacles...

To come up with an easier parenting approach that's let me cruise through motherhood with minimal stress.

Along the way, I've been able to teach my kids how to regulate their emotions...

...get them to listen to me...

...and wipe out misbehaviour almost before it happens.

I’ve helped thousands of Australian parents solve their biggest parenting struggles and was a featured parenting expert on Babyology...

I’ve been invited to radio and TV interviews, been featured on podcasts and been published on numerous parenting websites.

I'm the author of Chilled Out Mum.

Every day I work with mums who want to leave their stress behind and enjoy more family harmony...

...and I LOVE helping them discover the easier, more peaceful way to parent! 
But It Wasn’t Always Like This... 
Now don’t get me wrong...I KNOW how hard parenting can be.

Our third pregnancy turned out to be twins, so we went from 2 to 4 kids literally overnight.

We had no hired help, so it was just me, day-in and day-out with the all the kids while my husband worked.

I was sleep deprived and completely overstretched in those early years. 

Did I mention that they were all under school age too???
Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought –

Oh no, here we go again...how do I get through another long day with the kids?

No one warned me how hard this parenting thing would be...

What am I doing wrong???

I don’t think I can take another day of screaming, crying and whinging...someone please rescue me!

Well if you have, you’re not alone.

When my kids were young, I used to joke that I felt like I had my own child care centre...  

But on the inside I was overwhelmed and felt out of my depth...a lot.

I woke up dreading the day ahead ALL THE TIME.

And then felt really guilty for thinking that!

It was like a non-stop cycle of feeling overwhelmed with motherhood...

...followed by shouting and losing the plot with my kids...

...followed by soul-crushing guilt for being a rubbish mum...

I used to wonder what I was doing wrong. 

I felt like it was just me failing at motherhood.

Discovered: Calm, Confident Parenting 

Back then, I was wasting my time and energy as a parent. 

I was using discipline techniques like Time Out, that didn't work. 

I busied myself with reward systems and star charts, thinking they would help. 

And they did, for like, three days. 

No matter what I tried, the unwanted behaviour always returned. 

My daughter had unbelievably big feelings, and I had no idea how to manage them. 

Some days I felt like I was going mad, trying the same approaches and expecting different results...

Only for nothing to change. Again and again. 

No wonder I felt like I was underwater and struggling for air most of the time. 

But here's the thing I didn't know:

There's a roadmap to follow...

...that delivers calm parenting and brings about exceptional results, every time. 

 Why oh why didn't anyone tell me this??

I felt like I was suddenly in on a big parenting secret. 

When I learned this, it made sense why my approach wasn't working. 

It was because it didn't follow the calm parenting roadmap. 

When I got this right (FINALLY!), everything fell into place.

I was able to understand my reactions and regulate my emotions

I got to know myself as a parent - and understood my children on a deeper level.

I saw limit-pushing behaviour differently, and used smarter approaches to deal with it.

Before long, I saw amazing results (that's the crazy thing about this approach - you get big results in a matter of days)...

I managed to dissolve my three-year-old’s huge tantrums with a few calm words rather than hours of crying and screaming (from us both!).

And the number of meltdowns she'd have over the course of a week dropped dramatically.

I learned to read my son's cues, so I was able to give him what he needed - instead of getting his big behaviour when I misread the signals. 

And as my twins became toddlers, I found myself shouting less and less, because I used the right techniques (not ones I found on social media) to get through to them.

I discovered how to get my kids to listen...

...how to change their behaviour.

...and how to say and do exactly the right thing during those tumultuous meltdowns. 

And of course, the massive bonus from all of this was that I stopped stressing out so much. 

I became a calmer, more chilled mum, because I did the work on myself.

I was more confident, because I had the best tools to use, that were aligned with how I wanted to parent.

And best of all, I was a more conscious parent, because I understood my triggers and had let go of my parenting past. 

Hanging out with my family became more fun than hard work. 

Sure, they still have their tricky moments.

They’re kids, after all ;)
Parenting isn't meant to be a walk in the park. 

But once you know about the easier, calmer way to parent, the challenges become manageable.

It's parenting without the sweat...

...which means less shouting and more chill time for you :-)
And not only is it easier this way, but it's also the ONLY way to remove challenging  behaviour for the long-term.

Techniques like time-out, the naughty step, and telling kids to 'go think about their behaviour'...

They don't work, not in the long-run. 

The techniques I use now not only help solve behavioural challenges for the long-term...

...but they literally shape the brains of my kids and the people they'll go on to become. 

I don't know about you, but I find this wildly exciting.

We have such a dramatic impact on the lifepath of our kids...

Every interaction we have with them shapes the person they'll become and the life they'll lead. 

When you don't know what you're doing, this can be a daunting realisation. 

But when you follow the Calm Parenting Roadmap, this can be a fulfilling and deeply satisfying role.  

Nowadays, I get to spend my time helping other mums implement the steps of the Calm Parenting Roadmap...

..and discover this easier, more effective and fulfilling parenting path, that eliminates toxic mum guilt and stress...

...and creates the calm, confident and conscious mum they really want to be for their family. 

The reason I’m sharing all this with you is because I want the same for you.

I don’t want you to go on struggling like I did, running yourself into the ground using ineffective techniques and spiralling into burnout.  

Life is too short and time with your little ones too precious to continue doing this.

You've bought my book Chilled Out Mum, so I know you want parenting life to feel calmer and easier. You just need the roadmap to get you there...
If you want to escape your parenting rut- FOR GOOD...

...and experience calm, confident and connected parenting as your new normal

...you need to use the Calm Parenting Roadmap. 

Without covering EACH of these steps successfully...

...you won't learn to regulate your emotions...

...you'll continue to default to reactive parenting and dealing with the guilt that follows

...burnout will keep you behind the eight-ball...

...the connection with your children will fray because stress and overwhelm creates a barrier between you...

...they won't listen or respond the way you want them to

...meltdowns and misbehaviour will worsen 

...you'll lose precious time making memories...

...and all this can have lifelong implications for them AND you. 

This is not easy to implement, but it's SO WORTH the journey
And achieving success is a lot easier when: 
  • You have a roadmap
  • You know the exact path to follow
  • You know the right steps to take...in the right order
…and that’s exactly how I want to help you out with, for FREE.
Introducing The Free 
Calm Parenting Roadmap Session
I’ve opened up a small amount of spots on my calendar this week to jump on a call with you and:

 - Resolve your biggest parenting challenge once and for all

 - Figure out the blocks and limitations that get in the way of parenting for you

 - Demonstrate how the Calm Parenting Roadmap can make a dramatic positive change to your parenting (and personal) life. 

THEN, I'll help you put together a plan for implementing the Calm Parenting roadmap in your everyday parenting life...

...so you can be confident in knowing exactly what you need to start working on with your family...

...to start experiencing positive results FAST. 
The Calm Parenting Roadmap Will Help You To:
  •  Understand your triggers and limiting self-talk getting in the way of parenting so you can be and responsive 
  • ​Control your mood and anger levels so you can kick the stress and shouting habit for GOOD
  • ​Get your child listening better the first time so you don’t have to repeat yourself a thousand times
  • Strengthen your relationship with your child so you know they’ll always come to you with their feelings and problems (even when they’re an angsty teen!)
  • Develop your own toolkit of effective connection and discipline techniques that actually work, so you'll always be confident about how to manage misbehaviour

Here's What You'll Get:

  • A free 30min strategy session with me
  • The Calm Parenting Roadmap - personalised to suit your family
  • Clarity and confidence as a mum 
  • ​Freedom from stress and overwhelm
  • ​An invitation to join The Chilled Parents Collective

PLUS: Your Exclusive Invitation To Join 
The Chilled Parents Collective

The Chilled Parents Collective is my transformational parent coaching program that has helped mums and their families across Australia enjoy more family harmony, happiness and fulfilment..
...and I promise to let you know all about it during our call.

If it sounds good to you, we'll chat about working together and what that would mean for you.

But there is absolutely no pressure to sign up for anything on the call - a promise I can 100% guarantee.

Whatever you decide, you'll still walk away with your own Calm Parenting Roadmap and a personalised plan to start implementing right away with your family.

As seen on:

Now at this point, I’m sure you’re starting to think about how the Calm Parenting Roadmap could impact your family's life for the better...

But there also might still be some questions holding you back from making the right decision.

I want to help answer those for you now, so I’ve taken the top questions I’ve been asked about the Calm Parenting Roadmap and popped them in below with the answers...

...in case you were wondering the same thing.

Question #1: How do I know the Calm Parenting Roadmap will work for me?

The Calm Parenting Roadmap is based on research conducted over 50 years, from a variety of different parenting experts that have contributed across that time. Although all families are different, the core concepts of the approach apply to parenting across all cultures, across all time. It is unlikely NOT to work for you.

Question #2: How long will the call last?

You’ll have 30 minutes with me! Be sure to think about what you want to achieve and bring along any questions to the call. You’ll need a pen and paper to take notes. You can also schedule the call in YOUR time zone (you’ll see that on the booking page).

Question #3: How long is this opportunity available for?

I can’t say an exact time or date. This is only available until all the spots are filled, and you’ll be able to see that when you hit the calendar page to book. But from experience, it won’t be available for long.

So, with that being said... 

Please understand that the window of opportunity to secure one of these limited spots... won’t be open for long.

When they’re gone, they’re gone.

Click the button below to secure your call so I can help you create your very own Calm Parenting Roadmap

There's never been a better time to do this. 

Karina xx
    Karina Lane | Copyright ©2023 | All Rights Reserved